Saturday 18 May 2024

Mega May Aurora in Shetland

These are from the Mega Aurora on the night of the 10 May. The most powerful aurora for 20 years

It was surprising that noone else was about at St Ninian's throughout the two hours i was there

There was six caravans but no one ventured out to see this spectacular display

The aurora was south, not north showing how active it was and the sky was more or less pink

This Aurora was seen as far south as the Canary Islands and was seen only by those living in the south of Shetland due to cloud and fog in the north


Saturday 13 April 2024

Shetland Meteor

 At 8.25am this morning many Shetlander were awoken by a large explosion which turned out to be a very bright meteor which was only seen by a few people. Some thought it was a bomb going off or an earthquake.

The above fireball was not from today but back in 2016 when i was just setting up to photograph the aurora down at St Ninian's. Today's was only caught on Shetland webcam, cliffcam 3.

see more on Shetland Aurora Hunter on Facebook.

Also many thanks to everyone who has viewed my blog, now over 100,000 views which only goes to show the power of the Shetland night sky

Friday 5 April 2024

Shetland on Red Alert


Last night the alerts started coming in around 9.30 and quickly moved up to Red Alert

I headed down to Sandsayre and found no one else about
It was great to have a clear sky for once but it was very cold -3 at least with the wind chill, good job i got wrapped up
Although it was on Red Alert i found this to be weak and really on equivalent to a Yellow Alert
There was a shimmer and a bit of purple but i was expecting a bit more, may be its down to having very little activity over the past few days

WAnt ton keep up with the latest alerts and photos, then join Shetland Aurora Hunter on Facebook

Saturday 30 March 2024

Aurora and full moon

The Moon has been nearly at full making aurora photography more challenging. I manage to get down when a weak aurora arrived just as the moon was hidden behind the cloud
The moon rising behind Sandlodge in Sandwick

The sun has become more active this last two weeks with 3 X-Class flares and many M- Class Flares but few CME's which bring the auroras

 A weak Aurora down at Leebitton under a full moon.

Join Shetland Aurora Hunter on Facebook for all the latest updates

Sunday 10 March 2024

Shetland Aurora- at last

Good to final photograph the aurora, it has been a long time

March is always a good month to see the aurora so i hope we will get more nights under the lights

joined Shetland Aurora Hunter for more