Monday 16 September 2024

Shetland- Aurora Purple Alert

Only just back from a meal when a Red Alert came in, that's two in a row
We quickly gather our equipment and headed down to Sandsaye. There was a lot more cloud as Purple alert came in
Certain the west looked black but there was some breaks in the cloud to the east. The Aurora was higher and less colourful than last night but still great to see

more at Shetland Aurora Hunter on facebook

Saturday 14 September 2024

Shetland- colourful Red Alert

Apart from windy conditions it was a perfect night, no moon and a very active aurora
We headed out on an Orange Alert whjich quickly changed to Red and 10 mins later back to Orange

It was a colourful aurora, quickly changing in structure and colour. No surprise as we head towards Solar Maximum

You can always tell its a big one as the aurora headed all the way east close to Sandlodge in Sandwick

 Back home later but well worth it. Many more photos from the night on Shetland Aurora Hunter on Facebook

Thursday 12 September 2024

Shetland Aurora season starts

A very spotty sun, more sunspots the better as we head to Solar Maximum
We have had a few Aurora sightings in Shetland, the earlier one in the month around or just passed midnight
Now it is getting darker earlier it is easier to get out to see them. This nice pink one is helped by one of the streetlight being out

Join Shetland Aurora Hunter on Facebook for all the latest updates and also you may want to follow my monthly Night Sky articles in the Shetland Times